Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oh My... the First Blog

Well here goes nothing! First a little about me. My name is Hannah (obviously :-) ) and I am a senior at UNCW, graduating in May! Oh my gosh I can hardly even write those words. I am majoring in Communications with a focus in broadcasting and field production, and I am minoring in Spanish. I have a wonderful family including my amazing parents and three brothers, Josh, Zack and my twin brother Sam. I also have amazing friends and a wonderful boyfriend, Daniel (who just happens to be in this class as well). My dogs, Cleo and Barney, are the most important beings in my life. Cleo, my fat spoiled golden retriever who can make anyone feel wanted and needed and Barney, my sweet mutt who I saved. Anyone with dogs can understand my love for them.

This semester is my last and I hoped that it would be somewhat easy but I have realized that to be successful in anything after school, involvement is key. It is difficult to prepare for the future, especially with this economy. With an internship, 15 hours of classwork, extracurricular activities AND somewhat of a relaxing life I am having a difficult time getting through all this work. It is important to me that I gain as much experience as possible, yet maintain some sort of sanity. I am one of those people who likes to participate in everything as well as keep control of it all too. This semester I am learning that I cannot control it all and that is posing to be a difficult problem for me.

Communications is a wonderful area to study in because there is so many opportunities outside of class. My internship is truly giving me a chance to learn through experience more than anything else. In my opinion that is the best way to learn. I am working downtown with the City of Wilmington and the government television station. We produce PR videos for certain areas of the city as well as commercials and a bi-weekly show. It will be the greatest learning experience because I am considered a team member, not just someone who will work for free.

My biggest problem is keeping on top of everything all at one time. With class, a paying job, an internship, Lambda honor society, and filming work for UNCW athletics it is a lot on my plate. I either need to learn to live without sleep or learn to say no. All of the online work is really hurting me because in all of my classes I have multiple assignments due daily. I literally have begun to carry my planner with me and for the first time in my college career have filled out every space given for each day.

Being a big Christian I know that God will get me through all of this but how does everyone do this all the time? Talking with Tammy Bulger she said this is the real world. Oh my gosh if this is how the real world I am not so sure if I can do it all. I would like to take nights off and enjoy spending time with family and friends. As of now my only "free" day is Sunday and as a pastor's child, that is inevitably busy. How do you all get through all of the work and assignments? How does my boyfriend, a baseball player, get through practice, schoolwork, and anything outside of those two things? I would love to know that I am not the only one having such a difficult time and that there are others in the same boat, but are there? Can people really relate to my need for perfection in every area of my life as well as the most experience possible?

Haha this might be my first and last blog if things do not calm down or if I do not get a hold of all this work! Hope you now have insight into the life of a stressed senior!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So new to this

I am so new to this. I have typically been against blogging simply for the sheer fact that what are my thoughts worth. Here goes nothing!