Thursday, February 4, 2010

February - My month of LOVE

As we all know, February brings a lot of LOVE. There is that specific day where we all get silly little cards and candies. But here is my issues with Valentine's day: why just the one day? Why not every day? But at the same time, why hate on it so much?

Something that amazes me is the love and affection that comes out on Valentine's Day. Secret admirers become brave enough to admit their affection, boyfriends (yes I am hinting at mine) are not afraid to be mushy and gushy. As much of a Hallmark day it has become, its nice to be reminded of something we feel every day. I may be 22 years old but I still get the sweetest cards from my parents. And though I love my parents and they know it, nothing says it better than a homemade Valentine. I am a terrible hopeless romantic. I dream of mushy stuff happening, so I love seeing it happen to everyone in that one day.

Here's my first issue. Why shouldn't our love be professed daily? I think in some ways it is, and maybe the extravagance on Valentine's Day is not necessary daily. Something I learned from my mama, who is me, but older, is that you should never go a day without expressing your love to those who you love. This can be anything from a sweet smile to a kiss on the cheek to even just making the ones you love smile and laugh. The feeling of knowing that I am truly loved is inexpressible. Valentine's Day needs to be every day. It is that feeling of being loved that can pull a person from the depths of dispare, and I know this because it has for me.

Second issue: Don't hate on Valentine's Day. Don't discuss how sick of all of the mushy gushiness you are and how you think that it is a day for singles to realize that they are so. This upsets me so because everyone in the world has someone who loves them and someone that they love. Valentine's Day has turned into such a couples' day, but it doesn't have to be. Express your love to everyone you love.

I am certainly not trying to tell anyone how to act on Valentine's Day or around it. I have had my fair share of disgust. BUT if there is one thing I have learned its that the most important thing to do in life is to share and show your love. You never know when there will be a time that you won't be able to anymore. Love is the most incredible thing in our lives and it can be expressed in so many ways. If Valentine's Day is your chance to express that love, go for it. If you hate it, hate it, but make sure that you don't waste time expressing love.


  1. I love the post! I myself also think that Valentines day is about expressing your LOVE to those you care about whether it be your boyfriend, parents, siblings, grandparents or just friends. I think that sometimes people get so worked up and worried about February 14th each year because they want to make it just right for that special someone. (where will we go to eat, what will i get for a present...) i know my roomate has been stressing about what to get her boyfriend of 9months terribly. I think if we all take a step back and look at the true meaning of Valentines Day--to be with the ones you love and to express that love it would be just a very relaxing day devoted to you and your special someone. For those who don't have Valentines I agree that they shouldn't be debby downers and bring those who do down. Not everyone is going to have a great Valentines Day each year but that doens't mean they arn't loved by friends and family. I have a boyfriend and this will now be our 3 Valentines Day together however i still send my parents, brother, and grandparents cards expressing my love for them. Also my other roomate is recently single so we are going to have a girls Valentines Day brunch at Bocca Bay which i think is a good idea to do for those who are single! I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day no matter what they do or who they share it with :)

  2. What gets me about Valentine's Day, and actually all holidays is that everyone gets so stressed out with shopping... what to buy, what to do, where to go, who to spend time with, etc. I am actually excited about distributing my Valentine presents this year though! I always make an effort to see my little niece and cousins (they are 3, 4, and 5) so it's fun to get them cute gifts around this time. I also decided this year that I would send my best friends special gifts since they all moved away within the past few months, one to Vegas, one to Charlotte, and one to Ohio. I figured this would be a nice little surprise for each of them. Also, since I have two tests on the 15th, I won't feel the pressure to even find a date for Valentine's Day! haha Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day!

  3. I like this post a lot! Love is one of the most, if not the most powerful emotion and feeling that any human being or animal can bestow upon another party. Valentine's Day has somehow become a day that does put a lot of emphasis on couples and makes people who are single more aware of their singleness. But love is something that can be shared between people that don't necessarily have to be a couple. Families, friends, and even those who may not be so close can appreciate Valentine's Day for all the love it has to offer.

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  5. I totally agree with you! I think that it is important to remember that you don't have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to celebrate Valentine's Day. When I was in highschool we planned a dinner for all of our friends who weren't dating anyone. It was a known thing in my group of friends that we were gonna have one. It was nice because a couple of years there were 14 or so of us all getting together for dinner and it was so rare that that many of us got together.
    I think it's great to have a day to remind people to be greatful for those that we love and those that love us but I agree that we should how that love everyday. My boyfriend and I have taken it as a holiday to go out to a nice dinner or have a date night. We celebrate our yearly anniversary March 15th so we don't go out too big on V-Day.

  6. I think that your boyfriend should do something really nice for you. He sure does have a great girlfriend. Anyway I like this post and you are one hundred percent right why does this day have to be the only day that we show affection to the ones that we love. I think that everyday should be like this. I like your second point that you pointed out how valentines day isnt for just those people in a relationship. It is for anybody that has someone that they love. I mean it could be your dog that you take out and spend time with it does not matter. Everyone has love.

  7. Like the post, have to agree Valentines Day is important on many other reasons than candy and cards. Its a day to remember all the people that love and care for you. As you mentioned your parents always send you sweet cards and make sure they call you. My dad usually gives my mom a card from all the dogs and makes mom breakfast. Which I actually like to see and understand that they are still together after so many years and he can still be sweet to her. It is a good reflection day and I hope that everyone enjoys that special day with who ever you choose to spend it with.

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  9. I agree with the post. I feel that Valentine's Day should be everyday for people. I make sure that I tell my family I love them daily. I believe that Velentine's Day is an economic stimulant. People go out and buy expensive gifts and have elaborate dinner plans. Money has no indication of love. It is the small joys that are most memorable. I love Valentine's Day when I have a boyfriend, and when I have not. At the end of the day, it is about love for everyone we care about.

  10. This reminds me about Valentines Day last year. I wake up to see more car had gotten egged, but just one egg (I thought that was kind of weird). I think you are right, it should be everyday and it can be for you if you want it to be. But think about where most of our motivations come from...Hallmark,, VS, restaurants, etc...advertisers- have they convinced you this is love? Probably not, except for one day of the year(if you don't get those things you are probably in trouble).

    If you are single you definitely know it one that day...I am not saying it is good or bad, but you know it. It is the first weekend after the football season is over, so you are already feeling a little lost and your friends are able to fill this void with dinner plans. "discuss how sick of all of the mushy gushiness," I don't necessarily see this as just a single person's view, I think it comes from both sides.

  11. i love this because i totally agree - valentine's day was always special in our house bc it's my parents' anniversary. my hubby and i have never been big on valentine's day or even our anniversary (we have two!!) gifts - i'd much rather have a husband who never makes me take out the trash, takes the initiative to fold laundry if it's sitting waiting to be done, lets the dogs out during the night, makes our runs to the teeter if i forget something, remembers to get my oil changed and tires rotated (things that probably never would be done w/out him!!)regularly -- i could go on and on - all the time than a hubby who doesn't but buys me some lavish gift one day a year! it's the little daily things that really show how much we love somebody!
